Expanded monster roster, with most of the monster types having at least three other "variants" - alternate versions, of increasing threat level and various abilites.įew, selected weapons have "weapon upgrades" tied to them, which are their improved versions that replace the old weapons (but can be obtained without the base weapon in possession) and can be found only on Tier IV.Extra power-up types and inventory items.Additional player abilities, e.g.: a "dash" dodging maneuver (performed by tapping twice a movement key), double jump, sliding, or taking meatshields (by punching a fatally wounded Zombieman/Sergeant/Imp while berserk).Larger variety of Doomguy's voice commands: taunts, as well as one-liners (which can also happen automatically, if the player slays many monsters within a short period in a particularly brutal fashion) and weapon acquisiton quotes.New death animations and fatalities, complementing introduced monster variants.Now support combo system: alternate primary and secondary attacks to execute combos that finish in highly damaging haymaker. Regarding unarmed combat, it is also worth noting that the player always has access to a Machete.

This special melee weapon can be used at any time via its dedicated quick-key (as long as they are not dual-wielding their current weapon), and like Fists and kicks Machete is affected by Berserk's damage boost. Unlike Brutal Doom, when a Berserk Pack/Demon Strength Rune is acquired, then the player's fists will have veins visible. You can grab both nukage and burning barrels. When a barrel is picked up, with left click you can throw the barrel, but with right click you can place it down harmlessly, which can be used to set up traps, even if that is unpractical.